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PVP Consequences

From Outlands RP

See also: PVP Rules

9 - PVP Consequences

9.0 - Consequences

  • When a character is downed in PVP, they enter the consequence phase. A downed character may not move of their own volition and are unable to defend themselves. A downed character may be freely bound with any restrain roll, but the roll must be made to determine the DC to escape once they are able to act again.
  • If a downed character is left alone with no interaction with their captors for 30 minutes, they may begin to try to escape. After breaking out of any restraints keeping them from moving, they may walk (not run or sprint) away from the scene. A character who attempts to escape this way may not be given additional consequences, though they may be stopped and captured again.

9.1 - Revenge

  • If a character has delivered consequences to another character, the former victim may deliver the same level of consequences in return, even if it’s the first time they’ve downed the original aggressor.

9.2 - Slight Injury

  • When a player is downed in PVP, other than in a Skirmish, they are automatically slightly injured. A slightly injured character may not declare a PVP intent, though they may defend themselves if an intent is declared against them. Slight injury lasts two hours unless healed first.

9.3 - Basic Consequences

  • The first time a character is downed by another character, they are subject to one basic consequence unless they voluntarily agree to more. The second time a character is downed by the same character, they’re subject to two basic consequences.
  • Players are free to voluntarily agree to additional consequences of any severity.
  • The following are considered basic consequences:
    • Minor Theft - When robbing a player you may take one and only one of the following: up to 10 copper, up to 3 gems, one single weapon or piece of armor, or one stack of materials. You cannot rob the same character more than once per week, unless that character has robbed, burglarized, or raided you during that period of time.
      • You cannot rob the same character more than once per week, unless that character has robbed, burglarized, or raided you during that period of time.
    • Kidnapping - Characters are to be kidnapped with the intent of giving them RP as a captive. This could be almost anything: interrogating them, trying to force them to work for you, trying to change their philosophical outlook or redeem them, drinking their blood, giving them a makeover, beating or torturing them, or simply putting them on trial.
      • When kidnapping a character, you must leave behind a POI with some sort of clue indicating that a struggle happened, as well as the general direction the kidnapped character was taken in.
      • Any time you have a character kidnapped, you must be giving them RP. You are taking a player’s time and taking the autonomy of their character away, which means you have a responsibility to that player to provide them with an enjoyable experience. ICly you may be kidnapping a character because your character has disdain for theirs, but OOCly you’re agreeing to take them on a little hostile adventure. Try to make it worth the trouble. When you take a character’s autonomy, you have a responsibility to them.
      • Captors must check in with their captives and make sure they’re comfortable. While captors are not expected to spoil their intentions, they should give their captives the opportunity to set boundaries before they jump into RP, especially if coupled with a more severe consequence.
      • The content of RP during a kidnapping is subject to the same rules as all other RP on the server. Anything sexual must be agreed upon OOCly by the parties involved. Captors may not ask whether captives agree to erotic roleplay before deciding whether or not to kidnap them. They must ask after kidnapping them if they intend anything of the sort during their OOC discussion of boundaries.
      • No consequence on Outlands RP will ever implicitly or explicitly be allowed to hinge on the willingness of a captive to take part in roleplay of a remotely sexual nature, whether FTBed or not. Players who are found to have attempted to use severity of consequences to coerce other players into ERP will be immediately and permanently banned.
      • If at any time either captive or captor is uncomfortable with the RP, they may FTB the scene and the captive can be released.  If a character who has been kidnapped is left for 30 minutes without RP, they may FTB the scene and warp out if they so choose.
    • Moderate Injury - A downed player’s injury status may be advanced from slightly injured to moderately injured as a basic consequence. A moderately injured character may not declare a PVP intent and may not take part in attacking other players in PVP while they have this status, though they may run away or defend themselves if attacked. Moderate injury lasts 48 hours unless healed first.
    • Mild Scarring - A character may be mildly scarred as a PVP consequence, whether by cutting or branding. These marks are deep enough to scar even with basic healing, and require at least [SPELL] to be removed. These scars should not be so severe as to drastically alter a character’s appearance.</li>
    • Basic Magical Consequences - Magical consequences are spells that may only be cast during the consequence phase or with the explicit permission of the player they’re being used on. These are listed both in your class’s spell list and in the listings for the spells themselves.

9.4 - Severe Consequences

  • The third time a character is downed by the same character, they become subject to one basic consequence and one severe consequence. Severe consequences are extreme in nature, and may involve subjects that are uncomfortable for players. Players should discuss the details of severe consequences with players before inflicting them, and respect their boundaries.
  • Players are free to voluntarily agree to additional consequences of any severity.
  • The following are considered severe consequences
  • Major Theft - As a severe consequence, you may take up to 30 copper, up to 5 gems, or one magic item. This may not be used in conjunction with Minor Theft.
  • Severe Injury - A downed player’s injury status may be advanced from slightly injured to severely injured as a basic consequence. Severely injuring a character restricts their ability to act until they’re healed. Severely injured characters may not initiate PVP and must surrender to any PVP initiated in their vicinity. Severe Injury lasts 5 days unless healed first.
  • Maiming - A character may be maimed as a severe PVP consequence. Maiming includes the removal of digits, limbs, appendages, or organs. It can also include a debilitating injury, such as cutting the achilles tendon. Maiming causes injury that is permanent until healed by a sufficiently powerful spell, such as regeneration.
  • Heavy Scarring - Heavy scarring includes scarring that drastically alters a character’s appearance, but that does not actually remove body parts. Like mild scarring, this may be due to cutting, burning, or other methods of damaging a character’s skin. Heavy scarring may only be healed by [SPELL], or other, more powerful healing spells with similar effects, such as regeneration.
  • Captivity - Captivity is similar to kidnapping, but with the expectation of being longer term. It includes any form of extended captivity intended to last longer than one or two RP sessions. A character in captivity may be imprisoned by guards, a political hostage, a slave, a conscripted soldier, anyone who is being forced to be where they are for a longer period of time. The length and terms of a character’s captivity should largely depend on the RP, or potentially the character’s ability to escape.
    • Long-term captors are taking on an even greater responsibility than during a kidnapping. When taking a character captive long-term, their captors are expected to provide them with RP, whether with themselves or their clanmates, as well as potentially other captives. They should try to be creative and give the player an enjoyable experience. Nobody likes feeling like furniture.
    • OOC communication is extremely important for long-term captivity. If a player isn't enjoying themselves, a resolution should be found with minimal delay.
    • Captivity may result in an eventual change of clans, but this should not be taken as a given.
    • Players being held in captivity may not automatically escape. However, if they are unsatisfied with the RP they’re receiving and they haven’t been able to come to an agreement with their captors, they are welcome to open a mediation ticket to seek a resolution.
    • Captors who repeatedly fail to provide an enjoyable experience for multiple players will be barred from taking captives.
  • Execution - Execution is an attempt to kill someone. It does not necessitate success. While execution may result in a permakill, this is not always the case. Players should be mindful when RPing an execution that while they may attempt to execute a character and leave them for dead as a severe consequence, carrying out a PK with certainty requires either permission from the player of the character in question or the previous approval by staff of a permakill ticket.
  • Severe Magical Consequences  - Magical consequences that are more severe or have long-term effects on a character are reserved for severe consequences.